Lesson Basic order types and durations

Order durations

Learn more about the different order durations available at Questrade.

When you send an order to buy or sell a security (Stock, ETF or Option), you can choose a specific time duration that your order is valid for.

Every order consists of 2 parts, the Order Type, and the duration.

The duration determines how long your order will be valid for. If your order has not filled (executed) by the end of the duration, your order is automatically cancelled.

At Questrade, we offer up to 6 different durations for your order, depending on the trading platform of your choice.

With QuestMobile, and Questrade Trading you can choose from either a Day duration, or a ‘GTC’ (Good ‘till cancelled) duration.

Day duration

The order remains active until the end of the current trading day (4pm ET). If the order is not filled by the end of the trading day, the order is automatically cancelled.

If you place a Day order outside of regular trading hours, your order will be queued for the following trading day.

GTC duration

The order remains active until it is filled, or the order is manually cancelled.

Important reminder: The maximum length of time any order can remain active is 90 calendar days.

Questrade Edge

With the Questrade Edge platforms, you can also choose from an additional 4 advanced order durations:

Order durationDescription
GTD (Good ‘till date)
The order will remain active until the specified date. If the order is not filled by the chosen date, the order is automatically cancelled.
GTEM (Good ‘till extended market)
The order remains open for the current trading day including both pre- and post-market hours. If the order is not filled by the end of post-market hours, the order is cancelled.


Read more about pre and post market trading.
IOC (Immediate or cancel)
All or part of the order will fill immediately. Any portion of the order that is not filled immediately is cancelled. Traders will typically use IOC, or FOK orders (below) to avoid having their order filled across a wide range of prices.
FOK (Fill or kill)
This order will fill immediately, and completely, or not at all. If the order cannot be filled in its entirety, the order is cancelled.


An FOK order combines the properties of an All-or-none (AON) order condition and an immediate-or-cancel (IOC) duration. This type of order is typically used for larger orders of many thousands of shares.

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