Questwealth Portfolios
Trade HIGH fees for better returns.
Get expert managed investing for a fraction of the cost and become up to 50% wealthier.
Invest in the stock market without high fees
If you’re investing in mutual funds, you’re likely paying a lot in fees for your investments.
The Questwealth Growth portfolio has a total fee of 0.37%2 (0.25% for our management fee and 0.12% charged by the ETFs held in the portfolio), a fraction of the cost of the average mutual fund.
See PricingETF portfolios made for your goals
No matter your goal or timeline, there’s a portfolio waiting for you,
all with several years of proven historical performancePortfolio
Better than average asset growth, for medium to high-risk investors
Fixed income
For growth with a moderate level of risk, ideal for medium-risk investors
Fixed income
Maximum asset growth, for high-risk investors
Fixed income
The ideal combination of technology with
real human expertsOur Portfolio Managers use technology to efficiently optimize your portfolio while
keeping costs down.Active management
Your portfolio is actively managed by experts who aim to reduce risk and maximize your gains.
Award-winning customer service
Be confident knowing that someone is always here to talk to about your investments.
Real-time rebalancing
Your portfolio's asset mix is constantly monitored and adjusted when market conditions change.
Accounts for every goal
Save for your first home, retirement or any other financial
milestone you have your eye on.TFSA
Save and invest for any goal with this flexible, tax-free account
- Tax-free growth and withdrawals
- Great for short or long term goals
A tax-free account that you can use to save up to $40,000 towards your first home
- Contribute up to $8000 a year
- Get tax deductions on your yearly contribution
Save for your child’s education and get access to government grants
- Take advantage of a variety of government grants
- Withdrawals are taxed at your child’s tax bracket
With no contribution limit, use this account to invest for any goal
- Withdraw any amount at any time
- Great for short term savings goals
Lower fees for better returns 1
Lower investing fees means your money stays where it should be, in your account.
with a balance of $250-$99,999
with a balance of $100,000+
Canada’s low-cost alternative for digital investors
25 years
in the Canadian
market$30 billion
in assets under
administration12x winner
Open a Questwealth Portfolio account today, and take hold of your future.
Open an accountLearn to become a better investor
Check out these learning articles to find out more about how managed
investing can help you save for retirement.TFSA or RRSP: what's the right way for you to save?
Understand the different benefits of TFSAs and RRSPs.
Read articleThe different investment types available for your portfolio
Discover the different investment products offered at Questrade.
Read articleOpening your Questwealth portfolio
Follow these easy steps to start opening a Questwealth Portfolios account.
Read articleGet answers to frequently asked questions
By bringing investing online, we reduce overhead and eliminate the layers between you and the market. We then pass those savings onto you.