Account types
Save for your child, retirement and more with investing accounts tailored to your goals.
Find the right account for your goals
Self-directed investing
Place your own trades and
build your own portfolioQuestwealth Portfolios
Take the effort out of investing with low-
fee portfolios managed by expertsRRSP
Get tax benefits now while also saving for your future.
Spousal RRSP
Save for retirement with your partner while you both earn tax benefits.
Locked-in retirement account (LIRA)
Take control of your provincially-registered employer pension plan or group RRSP.
Locked-in RRSP
Take control of your federally-registered employer pension plan.
Registered retirement
income fund (RRIF)Continue growing your retirement savings even after you retire with a RRIF.
Life income fund (LIF)
Continue growing your pension even after you retire with a LIF.
Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)
Get government grants for your child’s education with an RESP.
Family education
savings plan (Family RESP)Save for more than one child’s (or beneficiary’s) education in one account.
Individual margin
Leverage your assets and investments to get extra buying power.
Joint margin
Open a margin account with someone you trust and leverage your assets.
Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)
With tax-free withdrawals, a TFSA is great for any kind of goal.
Individual cash
This non-registered account offers flexibility and limitless contributions.
Individual FOREX & CFDs
Take your trading international with 24 hour, global market access.
Corporate cash
Grow your company's cash with an account taxed at the corporate rate.
Corporate margin
Leverage your company's assets in an account taxed at the corporate rate.
Pool investments with your business partner to boost your market potential.
Sole proprietorship
Invest on behalf of your business with 100% control over its assets.
Individual informal trust
Invest in an account for your child's benefit, with no formal documentation.
Joint informal trust
Open an account with other investors for your child, with no formal documentation.
Formal trust
Open a formal trust account to hold equity in trust for your beneficiary.
Self-directed investing
Place your own trades and
build your own portfolioQuestwealth Portfolios
Take the effort out of investing with low-
fee portfolios managed by expertsRRSP
Get tax benefits now while also saving for your future.
Spousal RRSP
Save for retirement with your partner while you both earn tax benefits.
Locked-in retirement account (LIRA)
Take control of your provincially-registered employer pension plan or group RRSP.
Locked-in RRSP
Take control of your federally-registered employer pension plan.
Registered retirement
income fund (RRIF)Continue growing your retirement savings even after you retire with a RRIF.
Life income fund (LIF)
Continue growing your pension even after you retire with a LIF.
Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)
Get government grants for your child’s education with an RESP.
Family education
savings plan (Family RESP)Save for more than one child’s (or beneficiary’s) education in one account.
Individual margin
Leverage your assets and investments to get extra buying power.
Joint margin
Open a margin account with someone you trust and leverage your assets.
Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA)
With tax-free withdrawals, a TFSA is great for any kind of goal.
Individual cash
This non-registered account offers flexibility and limitless contributions.
Individual FOREX & CFDs
Take your trading international with 24 hour, global market access.
Corporate cash
Grow your company's cash with an account taxed at the corporate rate.
Corporate margin
Leverage your company's assets in an account taxed at the corporate rate.
Pool investments with your business partner to boost your market potential.
Sole proprietorship
Invest on behalf of your business with 100% control over its assets.
Individual informal trust
Invest in an account for your child's benefit, with no formal documentation.
Joint informal trust
Open an account with other investors for your child, with no formal documentation.
Formal trust
Open a formal trust account to hold equity in trust for your beneficiary.
Get answers to frequently asked questions
As many as you’d like - there is no limit to the number of accounts you can open at Questrade.
It costs $0 to start trading and investing with a self-directed investing account, and $250 to invest with Questwealth Portfolios.
That depends entirely on you and your goals. Certain accounts are great for flexibility and short-term investments, like TFSAs and Cash accounts, while others have more specific purposes, like RRSPs.