Questwealth Portfolios Calculator
This calculator is for illustrative purposes only and is not indicative of future values or the performance of any Questwealth Portfolios customer or model portfolio. Actual Results may vary.
The graph shows the potential savings based on our fees relative to an average management expense ratio (MER) of comparable mutual fund categories (as of #Date#). Mutual fund fee information is sourced from Morningstar Direct, a third party provider. Assumed Returns are calculated by averaging the historical five year returns for a basket of Series A Mutual Funds with similar risk levels, gross of Management Expense Ratios (MERs) and excluding corporate class funds. The potential savings are based on the initial deposit, risk level, investment time horizon, and yearly contributions you selected. The information is not intended to provide specific financial, investment, tax, legal or accounting advice and should not be relied upon in that regard. Information obtained from third parties is believed to be reliable, but no representations or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by QWM, its affiliates or any other person to its accuracy. The assumed annual compounded rate of returns and the fee ranges used in the calculations are as follows for each risk level and initial deposit option. Questwealth Portfolios fees vary depending on your risk profile and assets under management.
Risk Level | Assumed Return | Questwealth Portfolios total Fee | Comparable Fund Category | Average mutual fund fee |
Conservative Income | #AssumedReturnsConservative#% | #ETF_MERTier1Conservative+#% - #ETF_MERTier2Conservative+#% | #ComparableFundCategoryConservative# | #AverageMutualFundFeeAConservative#% |
Income | #AssumedReturnsIncome#% | #ETF_MERTier1Income+#% - #ETF_MERTier2Income+#% | #ComparableFundCategoryIncome# | #AverageMutualFundFeeIncome#% |
Balanced | #AssumedReturnsBalanced#% | #ETF_MERTier1Balanced+#% - #ETF_MERTier2Balanced+#% | #ComparableFundCategoryBalanced# | #AverageMutualFundFeeBalanced#% |
Growth | #AssumedReturnsGrowth#% | #ETF_MERTier1Growth+#% - #ETF_MERTier2Growth+#% | #ComparableFundCategoryGrowth# | #AverageMutualFundFeeGrowth#% |
Aggressive Growth | #AssumedReturnsAggressive#% | #ETF_MERTier1Aggressive+#% - #ETF_MERTier2Aggressive+#% | #ComparableFundCategoryAggressive# | #AverageMutualFundFeeAggressive#% |