You’re in your 50s and you’ve made it through many of life’s ups and downs. Congratulations! In an ideal world you’re settled into your career, if you had kids they have probably finished school and moved out. Your mortgage is paid off, or could be shortly. Your retirement savings are well on their way to your goal. Now things get easier, right? Well, that was the plan anyway.
The reality is a little different for many of us. Nowadays, kids can be living at home well into their 20s and even 30s. University/college costs continue to rise, causing many students to graduate with debt that will take years to pay off. The continual increase in cost of living means more of our children are moving back home after university or trying to make it on their own. Even for many of us without children, we are in a world that costs much more than what we had originally planned for in our youth, and those bills can rack up and cut into retirement funds. This economy means our mortgages are taking up larger portions of budgets and it can be quite challenging financially for many of us. Even the dream of retiring early seems to be fading for some of us.
With all of that in mind, we have a few ideas to help you stay on track towards a great retirement.