Lesson Things novice traders should know

Management expense ratio (MER) explained

Learn what an MER (management expense ratio) fee is and how it applies to ETFs and Questwealth Portfolios

When you invest in a fund, like a mutual fund or an ETF (exchange-traded fund), there’s a fee associated with the investment. This fee is called an MER (management expense ratio) and is charged by the fund company managing it and built into its price. Since Questwealth Portfolios invest exclusively in ETFs, there is an MER associated with each portfolio.

In a mutual fund, the MER goes toward paying the financial advisor, the mutual fund company, and the bank, as well as other expenses. So when comparing the MER of a mutual fund to the total cost of Questwealth Portfolios, you have to look at the mutual fund MER versus Questwealth’s management fee + MER of the specific portfolio you’re in.

Questwealth’s management fee ranges from 0.20% to 0.25% depending on your account balance.

Let's use an example:

Currently, if you invest $20,000 in a Questwealth Balanced Portfolio the total fee would be #ETF_MERTier2Growth+#% (0.25% management fee + a Portfolio MER of #ETF_MERTier2Growth#%). Compare that to the average mutual fund fee of #AverageMutualFundFeeGrowth#% and you’ll see how much you’re saving on yearly investment fees, which in turn help you keep more of your money.

Lower fees for better returns

Why pay over 4 times more for your investments? You can get a portfolio with a total fee of only #ETF_MERTier2Growth+#% (This includes Questwealth's 0.25% management fee + the MER of the ETFs held in the portfolio of #ETF_MERTier2Growth#%). Because while you can't predict returns, you can control the fees you pay.



Simple fee chart comparing Questwealth Portfolios versus average mutual fund fee
Questwealth Portfolios total fee
Average mutual fund fee
Portfolio ETF MERs 1

Since the MER is built into the price of the ETFs, it will not appear on your statement. Only Questwealth’s management fee is shown on the statement.

We’re telling you this because we don’t hide any fees, even if they’re not ours.

Note: The information in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be used or construed as financial or investment advice by any individual. Information obtained from third parties is believed to be reliable, but no representations or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by Questrade, Inc., its affiliates or any other person to its accuracy.

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