Lesson How to open an account

Photo ID

Secure and streamlined: How to upload your photo ID for your Questrade account

Sunshine young woman on phone smiling

At Questrade, ensuring your identity is verified securely and efficiently is our priority.

As part of your new account application, you'll need to upload a valid, government-issued photo ID. If you're adding a second account and your original ID on file has expired, we may ask you to upload a new copy. We also require valid ID for any joint account holders or authorized traders.

We may require your photo ID to comply with CIRO and FINTRAC's regulatory requirements and to ensure proper tax withholding rates. Learn more from this CIRO brochure or on the government website.

ID Requirements

Your government-issued photo ID must be from a federal or provincial/territorial government. We also accept foreign and Canadian passports as another form of acceptable ID.

Note: Foreign driver's licenses or other non-Canadian IDs will only be accepted if reviewed and attested by an Authorized Agent in the country where the ID was issued.

For non-Canadian residents with a foreign permanent address, additional requirements may apply. Please explore the section at the bottom of this article for more information.

Your photo ID must include:

  • Full Name: Must exactly match your Questrade profile.
    • Please use your full legal name as it appears on your ID.
  • Date of Birth: Must match your Questrade profile.
  • Photo
  • Expiry Date: Must not be expired.
  • Unique Identifier Number: Passport number or Driver's license number.
  • Issuing Authority: e.g., Province of Ontario.

Acceptable and Unacceptable Photo IDs

Please explore the lists below for common examples of acceptable and unacceptable IDs.

Acceptable IDs:

  • Canadian driver’s licenses
    • AB Operator licenses included
  • Canadian passports with visible bearer signature on page 2
  • Foreign passports with bearer signature (if included)
  • Canadian PR cards
  • Provincial ID cards
  • Certificate of Indian status cards (front and back)

Unacceptable IDs:

  • Foreign driver’s licenses
  • Canadian passports without bearer signature or missing page 2
  • Foreign ID or citizenship cards
  • Ontario Health cards
  • Canadian citizenship cards issued as a minor
  • Student ID cards
  • Workplace ID cards

Note: If you don’t have an ID from the acceptable list, alternative ID options may be available (i.e. Québec/BC Health card, Canadian Armed Forces/National Defence ID, Nexus Card).

Please contact our New Accounts team for more information and assistance with uploading your ID to your account via chat, at 1.888.783.7866, or via email at newaccounts@questrade.com.

How to upload a Photo ID

Follow these easy steps to upload your ID:

  1. Log in to your Questrade account
    • You can do this on desktop or through our QuestMobile app on your smartphone.
    • We recommend using the QuestMobile app for a seamless experience since you’ll be using your camera to capture your ID during the upload.
  2. If you’re uploading an ID as part of a new account application, please select the application in progress, then select Upload next to your ID requirements.
    • On desktop, you’ll be prompted to scan a QR code with your mobile device to upload your ID.
  3. Select the type of Photo ID you’d like to submit:
Which type of ID upload
  1. Make sure you have your ID, and get ready to take a picture.
    • If you’re using your driver’s license, we’ll need images of the front and back.
    • For passports, we only require one image.
Capture front of ID
  1. Next, get ready to take a picture of the back (if you’re using your driver’s license).
    • Tip: You can use either portrait or landscape mode on your phone, whatever’s easier!
Capture back of ID
  1. Get ready to take a selfie (picture of yourself).
    • We ask so that we can match the picture of you with the picture in your ID.
    • We won’t add this image to your profile, or share it with anyone.
    • If you live in Québec, you can skip to step 7.
Capture Selfie to match ID
  1. Review your documents, and select Submit when you’re ready.
    • Tip: Not happy with how a picture turned out? Select the Retake button to go back and take a new image.
Review Photo ID and selfie

Frequently asked questions

Why do I have to upload an ID?

This is a regulatory requirement for Questrade. As a member of the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO), we have a legal obligation to “know our client”. This includes asking questions during your application as well as verifying your ID and other documents.

Additionally, as a financial institution in Canada, we follow the rules and regulations under the “Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act” (PCMLTFA), which includes verifying your identity with a government-issued photo ID.

Do I have to upload an ID for an authorized trader or beneficiary?

  • Authorized Trader: Yes, because they have full investment authority on your accounts.
  • Beneficiary: Generally no, except for certain RESP and informal/formal Trust account beneficiaries.

I’ve already uploaded an ID for one account, do I need to upload a second?

  • Same time setup: No, our system will automatically accept your uploaded ID for all new account applications in progress at the same time.
  • Adding a second/third account: Yes, if your original ID on file has expired or it’s been more than 6 months since your original application.

Non-Residents and ID Requirements

For non-residents of Canada with a foreign permanent address, additional requirements include providing a valid ID and a financial document from a Canadian financial institution if available.

The financial document must be:

  • From a Canadian financial institution
  • Dated within the last 3 months
  • Match the customer name on your Questrade account exactly
  • Cannot be an investment account
  • Have a visible account number or other unique identifier

Acceptable examples:

  • Chequing/Savings account with activity in the last 3 months
  • Credit card statements with activity in the last 3 months
  • Loan or mortgage statement with activity in the last 3 months

Important Note: If you cannot provide a Canadian financial document, you will need your passport attested by one of our agency lawyers around the world.

Please contact our New Accounts team via email at newaccounts@questrade.com, chat, or at 1.888.783.7866 for further assistance. We will find the closest geographic office(s) for you, and help get you in touch with the appropriate agent(s).

U.S. residents, in most cases, are unable to open Questrade accounts. Special exemptions may apply for Canadian Expats with active RRSP accounts.

International residents, in most cases, are only able to open Margin accounts. Special exemptions may apply for Canadian Expats, or Active Military personnel with active RRSP accounts.

Please contact our New Accounts team for more information at newaccounts@questrade.com, chat, or at 1.888.783.7866 if you’re a U.S. or international resident.

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Note: The information in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be used or construed as financial or investment advice by any individual. Information obtained from third parties is believed to be reliable, but no representations or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by Questrade, Inc., its affiliates or any other person to its accuracy.

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