Lesson Transfers between Questrade accounts

Moving funds and investments overview

Learn more about moving funds and investments between Questrade accounts.

Looking to move funds, or investments between your accounts at Questrade?

No problem, we make internal transfers as easy as possible. You can move both your Canadian and U.S. cash, plus your investments between accounts at any time. There are however a few small limitations to be aware of depending on the originating and destination account types.

Looking to transfer cash or investments to Questrade from another bank or broker?
Check out this article instead.

Self-directed accounts

If transferring out of, or into certain account types (TFSA, RRSP, Margin etc..) there may be potential tax, or contribution-related implications to be aware of. We’ll explore these concerns in more detail in the related articles in this lesson.

Questwealth Portfolios accounts

If transferring out of, or into a managed Questwealth account, there are some special considerations to be aware of. Please see the related articles in this lesson for more information.


If you’re transferring investments like Stocks or ETFs between Questrade accounts, please be aware of settlement time which is the date of the trade plus one business day (T+1).

Settlement is a holdover from the time when stocks were traded as paper certificates in-person, and allows for the buyer/seller to exchange funds and shares within a certain timeframe. Although trading is now 99% electronic and online, settlement still exists, and has come down from T+5 in the 80s, to T+1 today.

When you request a transfer of a recently purchased investment, you will have to wait 1 business day before we are able to process your request due to this settlement time.

Expected processing time

Most internal transfers are processed within 1-3 business days.

However if your transfer results in the originating account being closed, this can take up to 4-5 business days to complete.

Note: The information in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be used or construed as financial or investment advice by any individual. Information obtained from third parties is believed to be reliable, but no representations or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by Questrade, Inc., its affiliates or any other person to its accuracy.

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