
Tradesviz logo
TradesViz is a 100% automated trade journaling performance analytics platform. With over 350 unique statistics and fully customizable dashboards, it's designed to help you sharpen your trading skills in a data-driven way. No matter what type of trader you are, you can learn how to optimize your trading to its full potential.

Not a client yet?

You need to have a brokerage account to use the Questrade app hub. Join us by opening an account.

Build powerful apps with the Questrade API

The Questrade API allows developers to create their own fully
featured trading and analytical applications through their brokerage account.

Get answers to frequently asked questions

There is absolutely no limit to the number of accounts you can open at Questrade.

It costs $0 to start trading and investing with a self-directed investing account.

To get started, you’ll need your SIN and a government-issued photo ID. Depending on the account, you may be required to provide other documents.