A man is calling

Margin trading fees

Low margin requirements. Several complex option strategies. Make your money work harder.

Trading with margin

With a margin account at Questrade, you can leverage your stock trading, short stocks, trade complex option strategies and leverage your precious metals trading.

Stock & options—margin requirements

The margin requirement is the minimum amount of Buying Power you need to have in your account in order to enter a position. It’s commonly expressed as a percent of the current market valuein. Certain securities may have a margin requirement higher than listed below based on an assessment of the stock by Questrade. Margin requirements are determined according to rules and guidelines set by Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) and Questrade internal risk management protocols. The margin required for long and short positions on the same security may be different from one another.

Long positions

Share price Requirement
Reduced margin eligible securities* 30% of the market value
Securities selling at $2.00 or more 50% of the market value
Securities selling at $1.75 to $1.99 60% of the market value
Securities selling at $1.50 to $1.74 80% of the market value
Securities selling less than $1.50 100% of the market value
Short positions
Reduced margin eligible securities* 30% of the market value
Securities selling at $2.00 or more 50% of the market value
Securities selling at $1.50 to $1.99 $3.00 less the market price per share
Securities selling at $0.25 to $1.49 100% of market value
Securities selling below $0.25 $0.25 per share

Questrade has four approval levels for option trading that require different minimum balances in your account before placing your trade. You’ll find the option strategies for each option level below.

Level 1

Strategy Margin Requirement
Long calls and puts 100% of the market value
Long straddle/Long strangle 100% of the option strategy’s market value
Short covered call (protected short) The value of either 1 or 2, whichever is greater:
  1. The sum of:

      a. 100% of the market value of the call option


      b. The lesser of:

        i. The normal margin required on the underlying security.


        ii. The out-of-the-money amount of the call option, plus the market value of the call option, minus any in-the-money amount of the call option

  2. 5% of the market value of the underlying security
Long married put The value of either 1 or 2, whichever is greater:
  1. The sum of:

      a. 100% of the market value of the put option


      b. The lesser of:

        i. The normal margin required on the underlying security.


        ii. The out-of-the-money amount of the put option, plus the market value of the put option, minus any in-the-money amount of the option

  2. 5% of the market value of the underlying security.

Level 2

Strategy Margin Requirement
Long covered call The in-the-money amount of the call option, minus the market value of the call option.


The value of either 1 or 2, whichever is greater:

    • The lesser of:

      a. The margin required on the underlying security


      b. The margin required on the aggregate exercise value.

  1. 15% of the market value of the underlying security
Short married put (Covered put) The normal margin requirement for the underlying short security
Long collar The value of either 1 or 2, whichever is greater:
  1. 100% of the market value of the long put options, minus 100% of the market value of the short call options, plus the difference (+/-) between the aggregate exercise value of the long put options (or the short call options), whichever is higher, and the market value of the underlying security
  2. 5% of the market value of the underlying security
Short collar The value of either 1 or 2, whichever is greater:
  1. 100% of the market value of the long call options, minus 100% of the market value of the short put options, plus the difference (+/-) between the aggregate exercise value of the long call options (or the short put options), whichever is higher, and the market value of the underlying security
  2. 5% of the market value of the underlying security

Level 3

Strategy Margin Requirement

Long/short vertical call/put

Long calendar call/put *

Long diagonal call/put *

100% of the market value of the spread.


The value of either 1 or 2, whichever is greater:

    • The lesser of:

      The normal minimum margin requirement for the short option, plus market value of the short option.


      b. The spread loss amount, if any, that would result if both options were exercised

  1. 5% of the spread loss amount, if any, that would result if both options were exercised

Long butterfly

Long condor

The value of either 1 or 2, whichever is greater:

  1. The cost of the long options, minus the proceeds of the short options
  2. 5% of the spread interval amount between the strike price of the long options and the short options

Short butterfly

Short condor

The value of either 1 or 2, whichever is greater:

  1. The spread interval amount between the strike price of long options and short options, plus the cost of the long options, minus the proceeds of short options
  2. 5% of the spread interval amount between the strike price of the long options and the short options.

Short iron butterfly

Short iron condor

The value of either 1 or 2, whichever is greater:

  1. The spread interval amount between the strike price of long options and short options, plus the cost of the long options, minus the proceeds of short options
  2. 10% of the spread interval amount between the strike price of the long options and the short options. (2% for index options)

Long iron butterfly

Long iron condor

100% of the option strategy’s market value

Level 4

Strategy Margin Requirement
Short calendar call/put

Short diagonal call/put

Long/short calendar call/put with European options

Long/short diagonal call/put with European options

100% of the long option’s market value.


For the short option, the value of either 1 or 2, whichever is greater:

  1. A percentage of the market value of the underlying security, determined using the following values:

      a. For equity options, or equity participation unit options, the margin rate used for the underlying security.

      b. For broad based index options, 10%.

      c. For narrow based index options, 15%.

      d. For major currency options, 10%.

      e. For non-major currency options, 30%

  2. minus

    Any out-of-the-money amount associated with the option


  3. Either a or b , depending on whether it’s a short call or short put position:

      a. In the case of a short call option position, the market value of the underlying security, multiplied by 5% (2% for index options)

      b. In the case of a short put option position, the aggregate exercise value of the option, multiplied by 5% (2% for index options)

Short straddle

Short strangle

The greatest of:

    A. the short put requirement

    B. the short call requirement

    C. the excess of the aggregated exercise value of the put option over the aggregate exercise value of the call option

Short option (naked option)

The value of either 1 or 2, whichever is greater:
  1. A percentage of the market value of the underlying security, determined using the following values:

      a. For equity options, or equity participation unit options, the margin rate used for the underlying

      b. For broad based index options, 10%.

      c. For narrow based index options, 15%.

      d. For major currency options, 10%.

      e. For non-major currency options, 30%

  2. minus

    Any out-of-the-money amount associated with the option


  3. Either a or b, depending on whether it’s a short call or short put position:

      a. In the case of a short call option position, the market value of the underlying security, multiplied by 5% (may be higher for certain securities)

      b. In the case of a short put option position, the aggregate exercise value of the option, multiplied by 5% (may be higher for certain securities)

Changing your option level

  1. Log in Questrade
  2. Choose Accounts
  3. Choose Account Management
  4. Select Account Number
  5. Select Change next to Option Level

Placing a Canadian multi-leg option order

For Canadian exchanges, only two-legged option strategies are available. Option strategies with a stock leg or more than two option legs are unavailable.

Precious metals

Metal Margin requirement
Gold 20%
Silver 30%

Full transparency in our fees

Nobody likes surprises— especially on their monthly statement. In the interest of being fully transparent and forthcoming with our pricing, we’re listing all the fees that you could possibly incur as a Questrade customer. The following fees are based on specific actions you take, so you may never see them—but if you do, rest assured we’re keeping them low.

Margin call

If your equity balance drops below your account’s total margin requirement (you have negative combined Buying Power), a margin call will be issued for your account. Questrade will give you the opportunity to satisfy the deficiency on a best effort basis. However, Questrade may liquidate or close your positions if you fail to comply with the terms of the margin call, including, in some cases, without notifying you first. The terms of a margin call are determined at the discretion of Questrade.

When a margin call occurs, you have four choices:

  1. Deposit more money into your account.
  2. Liquidate or close positions in your account.
  3. Cancel pending orders to open a position.
  4. If you have a TFSA account at Questrade, use Margin Power to link the assets in your TFSA to your margin account.

Currency exchange

In margin accounts, we won’t automatically exchange currencies. Typically, you need to initiate all conversion proceedings.

For example:

  1. If you buy U.S. securities and don’t have sufficient USD, you’re borrowing the money from Questrade.
  2. You’re charged interest on the amount you borrow.

To convert funds, log in to Questrade and make an exchange funds request.

Securities concentration

If the market value of a position in your margin account exceeds your equity, you have a concentrated position. In some cases, if you are too concentrated on a position, Questrade will increase the minimum margin requirement or request that you reduce the position.

Associated risks

There are significant risks when trading on margin. Before trading on margin please review the obligation to maintain margin under section 1.14 and margin risk disclosure under section 1.15 of Questrade's account agreements and disclosure document.

For more information on Canadian regulatory margin requirements, visit the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) website.

With an Forex & CFD account at Questrade, you can trade currency pairs as well as stock, commodity and index contracts for difference (CFDs).

Margin requirements

The margin requirement for an FX or CFD position is based on the real time value of your position (in the currency of the account). It’s the amount required to open and maintain a position.

Margin call

If your equity balance drops below your account’s total margin requirement (you have negative combined Buying Power), a margin call will be issued for your account. Questrade will give you the opportunity to satisfy the deficiency on a best effort basis. However, Questrade may liquidate or close your positions if you fail to comply with the terms of the margin call, including, in some cases, without notifying you first. The terms of a margin call are determined at the discretion of Questrade.

Currency pair CAD margin rate   USD margin rate
AUD/CAD 3%   4.5%
AUD/CHF 6%   6%
AUD/CNH 28%   28%
AUD/CZK 28%   28%
AUD/DKK 28%   28%
AUD/HUF 28%   28%
AUD/JPY 7%   6%
AUD/MXN 7.5%   7.5%
AUD/NOK 6%   6%
AUD/NZD 6%   6%
AUD/PLN 28%   28%
AUD/SGD 13%   13%
AUD/USD 4.5%   3%
AUD/TRY 28%   28%
AUD/ZAR 28%   28%
CAD/CHF 3%   4.5%
CAD/JPY 4%   4.5%
CAD/MXN 4.5%   6%
CAD/NOK 3%   4.5%
CAD/PLN 25%   26.5%
CAD/SEK 3%   4.5%
CAD/TRY 25%   26.5%
CHF/CZK 28%   28%
CHF/HUF 28%   28%
CHF/JPY 7%   6%
CHF/MXN 7.5%   7.5%
CHF/NOK 6%   6%
CHF/PLN 28%   28%
CHF/SEK 6%   6%
CHF/SGD 13%   13%
CHF/TRY 28%   28%
CHF/ZAR 28%   28%
EUR/ AUD 6%   6%
EUR/CAD 3%   4.5%
EUR/CHF 6%   6%
EUR/CNH 28%   28%
EUR/CZK 28%   28%
EUR/DKK 28%   28%
EUR/GBP 6%   6%
EUR/HKD 13%   13%
EUR/HUF 28%   28%
EUR/ILS 28%   28%
EUR/JPY 7%   6%
EUR/MXN 7.5%   7.5%
EUR/NOK 6%   6%
EUR/NZD 6%   6%
EUR/PLN 28%   28%
EUR/RON 28%   28%
EUR/RUB 28%   28%
EUR/SEK 6%   6%
EUR/SGD 13%   13%
EUR/TRY 28%   28%
EUR/USD 4.5%   3%
EUR/ZAR 28%   28%
GBP/AUD 6%   6%
GBP/CAD 3%   4.5%
GBP/CHF 6%   6%
GBP/CZK 28%   28%
GBP/DKK 28%   28%
GBP/HUF 28%   28%
GBP/ILS 28%   28%
GBP/JPY 7%   6%
GBP/MXN 7.5%   7.5%
GBP/NOK 6%   6%
GBP/NZD 6%   6%
GBP/PLN 28%   28%
GBP/SEK 6%   6%
GBP/SGD 13%   13%
GBP/TRY 28%   28%
GBP/USD 4.5%   3%
GBP/ZAR 28%   28%
NZD/CAD 3%   4.5%
NZD/CHF 6%   6%
NZD/CZK 28%   28%
NZD/DKK 28%   28%
NZD/HUF 28%   28%
NZD/JPY 7%   6%
NZD/MXN 7.5%   7.5%
NZD/NOK 6%   6%
NZD/PLN 28%   28%
NZD/SEK 6%   6%
NZD/SGD 13%   13%
NZD/TRY 28%   28%
NZD/USD 4.5%   3%
NZD/ZAR 28%   28%
SGD/HKD 20%   20%
SGD/JPY 14%   13%
USD/AED 26.5%   25%
USD/CAD 2.5%   2.5%
USD/CHF 4.5%   3%
USD/CNH 26.5%   25%
USD/CZK 26.5%   25%
USD/DKK 26.5%   25%
USD/HKD 11.5%   10%
USD/HUF 26.5%   25%
USD/ILS 26.5%   25%
USD/JPY 5.5%   3%
USD/MXN 6%   4.5%
USD/NOK 4.5%   3%
USD/PLN 26.5%   25%
USD/RON 26.5%   25%
USD/RUB 26.5%   25%
USD/SAR 11.5%   10%
USD/SEK 4.5%   3%
USD/SGD 11.5%   10%
USD/THB 26.5%   25%
USD/TRY 26.5%   25%
USD/ZAR 26.5%   25%
ZAR/JPY 29%   28%
XAU/USD 21.5%   20%
XAU/GBP 23%   23%
XAU/EUR 23%   23%
XAU/CHF 23%   23%
XAU/JPY 24%   23%
XAU/AUD 23%   23%
XAG/USD 21.5%   20%
Index Tracker Margin Rate
Gold 6.00%
Silver 10.50%
Platinum 8.00%
Palladium 20.00%
US Copper 9.00%
WTI US Crude 13.00%
Brent UK Crude 10.00%
Heating Oil 10.00%
Gasoline US 9.50%
Gas Oil 9.00%
US Natural Gas 21.50%
CO2 Emissions 15.00%
Corn 7.00%
Cotton 9.00%
Wheat 9.00%
Soybean meal 9.50%
Soybean oil 11.00%
Soybean 9.00%
NY Sugar No. 11 8.00%
NY Coffee 10.00%
NY Cocoa 17.50%
Live Cattle 4.00%
Index Tracker Margin Rate
US 30 Wall Street 10.00%
US 500/SPX500 10.00%
US Tech 100 NAS/NAS100 10.00%
Belgium 20 20.00%
Denmark 20 20.00%
EU Stocks 50/ESTX50 20.00%
France 40 20.00%
Germany 30 20.00%
Germany Mid-Cap 50 20.00%
Germany Tech 30 20.00%
Italy 40 20.00%
Netherlands 25 20.00%
Norway 25 20.00%
Portugal 20 20.00%
South Africa 40 20.00%
Spain 35 20.00%
Sweden 30 20.00%
Switzerland 20 20.00%
UK 100 20.00%
UK Mid 250 20.00%
Australia 200 20.00%
Japan 225 20.00%
Hong Kong 40 20.00%
Region Margin rate as low as
Canada 15%
US 30%
Europe 50%
Asia 50%
Australia 50%

Full transparency in our fees

We have nothing to hide—so we give you all the information you need to understand what’s happening in your account and on your invoice.

Calculating margin

The margin requirement is dynamic and updates in real time. You can view the margin requirement of a specific FX or CFD instrument on the trade ticket or by clicking Account, and then navigating to Trading Conditions on the menu and searching a specific instrument. The margin utilisation bar at the bottom of the trading platform indicates the percentage of your cash balance reserved for your margin positions.

Margin call

If your margin utilisation exceeds 100%, your account is in a margin call. To meet your margin call you need to deposit funds into your account and/or close positions. Your platform will display pop-up messages when your margin utilisation reaches 100% and 150% to remind you of your margin call.

Automatic liquidation threshold procedure

When your margin use increases past a certain threshold, Questrade will automatically liquidate your positions. This will occur automatically regardless whether you have been notified of the margin call or are waiting for your deposit to be completed into your account to satisfy the margin call. There may also be other market conditions that also require us to immediately close positions to satisfy the margin call.

If your margin utilisation exceeds 200% or your account remains in a margin call for 120 consecutive trading hours (5 consecutive trading days), all of your open positions will be closed.

Associated risks

Trading FX & CFDs on margin carries a high degree of risk because it allows you to speculate on currencies, commodities and indices on a highly leveraged basis. Before trading FX & CFDs, we strongly recommend you read more about leverage and risk.

Interest rates

When you buy securities on margin, you’ll pay back the money you borrow plus interest, which varies depending on the amount of the loan. Typically, margin interest rates are lower than credit card rates and unsecured personal loans.

Questrade CAD Prime (as of February 4, 2025) 5.20%
Questrade USD Prime (as of December 23, 2024) 7.50%

Debit (Payable by a customer when borrowing CAD or USD)

$100,000 debit balance $100,000 debit balance and above
All CAD non-registered accounts CAD prime+4.25% CAD prime+3.25%
RRSP, TFSA and other registered accounts CAD prime+8.10% CAD prime+8.10%
All USD non-registered accounts USD prime+4.50% USD prime+3.50%
RRSP, TFSA and other registered accounts USD prime+8.35% USD prime+8.35%

Credit (Payable to customer on cash balance. If the result of the interest rate formula is negative, the customer will receive 0% interest.)

$250,000 credit balance $250,000 credit balance and above
All CAD non-registered accounts CAD prime-8.50% CAD prime-8.00%
RRSP, TFSA and other registered accounts CAD prime-8.50% CAD prime-8.50%
All USD non-registered accounts USD prime-10.00% USD prime-9.50%
RRSP, TFSA and other registered accounts USD prime-10.00% USD prime-10.00%

How and when interest is charged

Interest is based on an annual rate, calculated daily and charged or credited to your account midway through the following month. Interest accrues on overnight debit or credit balance and is charged or credited to your account midway through the following month. Except for registered accounts, Questrade will not automatically convert currencies for you when buying securities.

Overnight balance rates

These rates apply to overnight balances and are subject to change.

Questrade CAD Prime (as of February 4, 2025) 5.20%
Questrade USD Prime (as of December 23, 2024) 7.50%

Things to keep in mind

  • You’ll be charged interest if your amount owing is $1.00 or more for the month
  • To earn interest on your cash and/or margin account, you must accrue interest of $10.00 or more for the month
  • To earn interest on your registered account, you must accrue interest of $0.01 or more for the month
  • Balances are calculated using the average daily debit/credit balance for the interest period

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A spread is the difference between the bid (price someone is willing to buy at) and the ask (price someone is willing to sell at).

A margin call is when your investments drop below the minimum margin requirement. If this happens, we will notify you with steps to resolve the situation.

Trading on margin involves greater risk than just trading with the cash in your account and is generally not recommended for beginners.