Lesson How to open an account

Uploading documents to your account

Learn how to upload documents to your account.

Looking to upload some documents for your account? 

We may require you to upload documents when opening an account, or for certain account related requests. We’re happy to help with the process.

Please follow these easy steps to upload:

  1. Log-in to your account
  2. Navigate to "Accounts" from the top left menu.
    • (If you're already on the accounts page after logging in, you can skip this step.)
    Accounts summary menu
  3. Hover over the “Account Management” menu button at the top of the page, then select “Upload Documents”.
    account management upload menu
  4. Select the account you’d like to upload documents for.
    select account for upload
  5.  Enter a name for your document on the left, and choose the document type from the drop down menu on the right.
    select or enter document type
  6. Click “Browse”, then select the file you’d like to upload from your computer.
    • Once you have selected the file, please click “Open” from the pop-up.
    browse for file on computer
  7. Click the green “Upload” button to finalize your document upload.
    • Please note: The maximum file size is 4mb. If your document is larger than this, we suggest uploading either page by page, or using an online service to shrink the PDF or JPEG file.
    green upload button

Once your document has been uploaded, you’ll see this popup appear, simply click “Ok” to move on, or upload other documents.

upload confirmation

Congrats! You’ve finished uploading a document for your account.

If you’d like to check on the processing status, feel free to click the “Upload history” button on this same page for more details.

  1. Log-in to your account from the Questrade website, not the mobile app.
  2. Tap on the Menu icon in the top left corner
    mobile select menu top left
  3. From the navigation menu, tap “Account management” then “Upload documents.”
    tap account management then upload
  4. First, select the account that you’re uploading documents to.
    select account upload mobile
  5. Enter a name for your document on the left, then choose the document type from the menu options on the right.
    enter doc name and type mobile
  6. Tap the “Browse” button, and 3 options will appear.
    • You can select a photo from your gallery, take a new photo, or browse the files saved on your mobile device.
    tap browse button upload mobile
  7. Once you’ve confirmed the file you’re uploading, please tap the green “Upload” button to finish uploading your document.
    upload button mobile

Congrats! You’ve finished uploading a document for your account.

If you’d like to check on the processing status, feel free to tap the “Upload history” button on this same page for more details.

Note: The information in this blog is for educational purposes only and should not be used or construed as financial or investment advice by any individual. Information obtained from third parties is believed to be reliable, but no representations or warranty, expressed or implied, is made by Questrade, Inc., its affiliates or any other person to its accuracy.

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